

Seductive and Sly,
She slithers her sleeves on your Arm,
Trying to achieve,
A feat so unimaginable,
By Weaving her Web of Worldly lies.

Consider her whims,
Trying to contradict,
Every word that convict your soul,
She turns you from the light,
Into her darken hole.

Seeing if she could make you,
For one second forget about your Master,
She tells you a bag of lies ,
In hoping that you will cover your eyes,
Now you can't even see her in disguise.

As you follow her,
You March to your demise,
In essence,
You have already died.

So which one will it be,
Fall prey and disobey,
while following a stray,
Staying alert,
Keeping your mind overt,
Without one distraction from,
this earth.

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Desmond Jones