

Lake Lanier Waterslide Park

Lake Lanier waterslide park

Y’all build a lake Lanier waterslide park
On the top of black town..There was a black community
Underneath that lake….you see this is how you know America
Is racist, y’all build a water park, just like y’all put Central Park on senance villiage…
Why would y’all do that? Know what, I know why….
Y’all are erasin history….sayin it’s all in the past….

Y’all know I hope karma gives y’all the curse y’all deserve…
I heard it’s haunted……I heard some people go missin
If your families drown, they might see houses, buildings
Old schools and churches all in the lake….there could be ghosts
Swimmin in revenge….remember America got blood on their hands….

And they built water park with their bloody hands….


First of all y’all can’t hide the history, can’t disguise your guilt…
Maybe cos black people tell their stories about lake Lanier
On TikTok y’all got scared so y’all build a water park to conceal
More evidence…elders who live there tell tales of being there when
Their hometown is being washed over, sinkin into the lake…
In Georgia and all because of white people’s jealousy over
Black people’s success…all because we’re not supposed to have our
Own shit and be great in life…

I would love to burn that water park down to the ground…
I would love to burn it down cos what the fuck…
You know damn well, America is racist…. That hasn’t changed….

💯✊🏿😡©️ Kai C. 5-12-24
© Kai C..