

Not again
Will keep all promises,
Promised to never let you down,
Wont ever hurt you again,
Will hold your hand,
Never let you go through anything alone,
It's all I care about,
You are all I care about,
It's okay if you don't want me to,
It's okay if you don't like me that much,
Won't stick around all the time, just when you want to cry,
But not again in a million years,
Will I let myself be hurt over you,
let myself cry infront of you,
attach myself to memories that only I remember,
Not again
Will I show anyone my hiding spot,
run when the sun is out,
blind myself with the temporary light,
not again will I trust anyone else,
never again,
it's all nice and pretty until it's not,
it's all loud and noisy until the voices start to fade,
lose your voice in your silence,
not again can I make a fool of myself,
not again can I bury myself with all the overthinking, the what-if's, the maybe's, the It's okays, the anything that made me question myself,
the quietness of myself while my mind is screaming,
I will always care but will never show, never again will make that mistake,
will have the regret of thinking "what could have been",
cause now I know nothing can be or will be,
except for me for you...

© ~notyourfavperson