

Do You Understand
You say you understand me
But then push me to the ground
I went on a journey looking for answers
And Hell is what I found
Now my nightmares haunt me late at night
So I'm not sleeping sound
And it's hard to see the good in life while always looking down
Trying to go forward with a car stuck in reverse
Addictions running in my blood
It's called a family curse
You will never know the best
If you haven't seen the worst
And if I don't stop while I'm ahead
I'll end up in a Hurst
Avoiding my reflection
An unfamiliar face
I was told that I should pace myself
Because life is not a race
But I almost hit the finish line
Then I ran out of gas
And I don't know why I'm still alive
Sometimes I have to ask
Bricks tied to my feet
I'm Drowning in a lake
And if you keep on doing something wrong it isn't a mistake
I like the person I've become
I'm never being fake
And now I'd like to give my friend
Instead of always take
I'm scared that I can't get it right
My hands they start to shake
The Devil wants to wage a war
The earth begins to quake

© 2023 Stephen George