

I hope it's not too late
Sometimes when I close my eyes to rest
It's dark but I still see colors
And then I think about my loved ones lost
And how I should've been a better brother
It's sad we started out so young growing up without a mother
When they came to separate us then we didn't even have each other
Addiction took it's place it rooted deep,it wasn't fair
I was only 8 years old when I was pulling out my hair
I've seen some things I'll never be able to erase
And as a kid I didn't talk
So they prescribed me up a bunch of pills till I could barely walk
Sticks and stones,cuts with broken bones
But you would never hear me speak
And everytime I would start to cry they'd say that I was weak
Never fitting in at school
So I felt like such a freak
With words that cut me to the bone
And that's when I would tweak
Violence then would lead the way
And evil it will blind
Praying God would come to help somehow
But God I didn't find
In a world designed for me to fail
I fell so far behind
Realizing I was stuck in Hell
There is no sense of time
The years just seem to melt away
And a part of me was lost
A little bit is all I need at such a heavy cost
Now I wish that when I close my eyes that I could disappear
Addiction is insanity,there goes another year
It's sad I had to lose so much to finally see things clear
But I'm taking out my ear plugs now so it's easier to hear
But here's my problem....
You can have the answers,and still not do it right
Addiction is a war within it's not an easy fight
And even though the sun is out I barely see the light
I pray to shut the voices off so I can sleep at night
Now I'm trying hard to stay in my lane
And hold the wheel straight
I know I want to live this life
I just hope it's not too late
© 2023 Stephen George