

**Transient or True**
So tell me,
Was I a home, or a shelter you sought for a while?
A place to rest your weary soul,
Or just a refuge from the storm’s fierce trial?

Was I your destination, a dream you pursued,
Or merely a stop where you took a break,
A momentary pause in your endless journey,
A brief respite from the choices you make?

Was I your chosen movie, the story you craved,
Or just the one you watched when boredom knocked?
A tale that thrilled and held you close,
Or simply a flick that time forgot?

Tell me, love, was I the warmth you sought,
The fire that lit your darkest night,
Or was I just a fleeting spark,
That vanished with the morning light?

For in my heart, I held you dear,
A constant, unwavering beacon of light,
But now I question what I was to you,
A home, a stop, a flicker in the night?
© _areesha