

Ur karma is always following you
We were a group of three
Promised to be forever, trusted blindly
Believed our path, walked yrs together
Build an empire of three, worked together
Worked for each other, helped at nights and smiled at bright
We grew up together, bought up together
Not born as siblings yet we shared a bond stronger than siblings
But haven't thought u will break us into pieces
When we fall ,u punt us down
We fall together but u went leaving us to the demise
We all fought together but at the end u let death to carry us away
U put an end to us by enjoying our last moments...
We may not punish u but ur karma is waiting
U may grow high by kicking our body but it won't stay longer
Ur karma is waiting behind u, it will give you what you deserves
U will suffer our pain when ur ones kicks u down to the bottom of the earth
U will know our pain, karma is always following you...

© Theertha