

Threw out old boxes,
Regrets and photographs,
Empty pockets and lockets,
Poured out hatred from my heart's bucket.

Heaved a sigh of relief,
As I remember the pages of my past life,
Pages already torn in pieces,
Pieces burnt to ashes,
Ashes left with the wind
Ashes of my past.

My heart's now clean,
Ready to be planted with good seeds,
Seeds ready to grow and make me see,
What life truly means.

With streams of love, peace and joy now flowing from my heart,
Flowing endlessly and with others I love to share,
Share what my heart reveals as the new pages of my life .

In my hands now, I have a pen,
A pen with which now I write,
Write words that creates an end,
An end to the sadness of my past,
My past now gone with the wind,
I keep writing words.

Words that creates a beautiful beginning,
The beginning of a book
A book with new pages of my life,
A book that is not for sale,
A book that people would love to read,
Read, smile and then say,
'Life is truly Beautiful,
Especially when you read through these pages of her life'.

© Thebeezybee