

Made someone's day!!
The day you make someone happy
The day you make someone smile
The day you make someone laugh
The day you make someone feel special
The day you make someone feel your the one who can do all the things for them
That day even you will smile, laugh, be happy, you feel ur special to someone, your the one who can make someone happy, smile, laugh, you feel atleast I made someone's day today!!!

at the same time

the day you make someone sad
the day you make someone cry
the day you make someone angry
the day you make someone irritate
the day you spoil someone's special day
that day you feel why should I be someone to someone..
you start changing, you start avoiding,
you totally change...

so better depend on the situations..
who knows who makes you happy, smile, laugh, special, cry, sad, irritate, etc....

so what ever it is, what you get you return but never ever hurt someone even though thy hurt you, make you cry, break your heart, it's fine because you will know the pain you can't see someone in the same pain, so never hurt, are make them cry.. it's just tht day there is many days after...
so be cool... be happy, smiling always ❣️

enjoy the present and live the past behind... think of future..
