

As I left...
I feel my heart is wrenching and ask
myself is it all worth it?
The pain... the crying... the anguish...
As I left without saying good bye,
I still love you,
My eyes won't say lie,
As I left without saying good bye,
I know you may come back to me,
It's like emotions you cannot hide,
I thought you search me in sky,
May be in birds feather my name
you hide,
As I left without saying good bye,
Life can be much better if you
stand by my side,
My hairs curl which fall on face,
You bind them behind the ears
with touch powerfull yet light,
As I left without saying good bye,
You come back to me atleast
we can talk you should try,
My eyes wait for you to
be always mine till stars remain alive...
© ©Farah Naseem