

Antichrist For The New Modern Man
It's alive!

Circuits and compassadors...
Gold and copper gleam.
Sending controlled voltage
to the heart of the machine.
Commands given in a digital
interface, a place for letters
and lines.
Setting parameters for time
and space in an artificial mind.
Instructions imprinted into
spinning disks that record and
project a new frontier.
Deductions made and with just
a few clicks the converted
hidden code becomes clear.
Energy is now transmuted to
pixilate a new reality.
The flow of data in constant
A break through in ingenuity.

As it changes everything.

New discoveries.
Expansion of technologies.
Calculations made with ease.
Advancements in our capabilities.
Compact disc and D.V.D.
MP3 and 1080p.
G.P.U.'s and U.S.B.
A brand new language
for you and me.

Algebraic formulas and
Binary code.
Hyper threading processors
to handle the load.
Random Access Memory
and Interface command.
A key to another world
In the palm of your hand.

Silicone made from sand
combined with conductivity.
Diodes and resistors saudered
to a board of circuitry.
Cooling fans and heat sinks...
Constant transfer of energy.
Surrounded by sound, a new
system of a down...
not yet realized for it's toxicity.

This is an antichrist for the new modern man.
Take my advise, better leave while you can.

Good intentions do not always
mean that things will turn out good.
Our inventions never end up
being used the way they should.
They say that with true power comes
a lot of responsibility.
Well then, who the fukks responsible
for the internets integrity.

Phishing scams and viruses are a
real threat in this day of age.
What you see ain't what you get
and especially for minimum wage.
You can save some money if you
put it on your credit line.
The land of milk and honey is now
oil wells and coal mines.
Parking fines, and billboard signs.
Placated minds and vertical blinds.
Consumed by corporate interests
and can never see the hand that binds.
The truth is beyond the matrix.
If one would look they'd surely find,
but two or three blind mice together,
will be the end of its own kind.

Artificial Intelligence is now here
and growing at a rapid pace.
Here I am still riding the fence on
whether or not this is good for our race.
Just like Joshua in the movie War Games,
every possible scenario will be explored.
It will determine the plausible threat that
we are to ourselves on this big chess board.

Like rats that need that instant reward.
It seems that we've become the
parasitic hoard.
The price we pay, we can't afford.
Detached from reality...
Attached to the machine by a fibre
optic umbilical cord.

A lot of these elitists belong in
a psych ward.
The bull shit they feed us...
should not go ignored.
Power to the people should
be restored.
Let us not forget, only Yeshua
Is Lord.

Die by the sword in accordance
to the plan.
From Californarabia to Newyorkastan.
Take my advise. Get out while you still can.
This is an antichrist for the new age
modern man.

~ The World Wide Web
is now a cesspool of exploitation, imitation, misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, catfishing, trolling, spamming, stalking and
~ It's time to shut it down!

Written by: Michael W. Taylor
November 28th. 2023©

© Michael W. Taylor