

does crying suit me ?
Does crying suit me?

Today while sitting this question came to my mind

Did my parents make me such a coward ?

that I learn to cry if someone leaves

that I stop living if someone leaves

That I will stop smiling because of someone

That I will break my heart because of someone which took my mother 9 months to make

No, no, friend

I am the only hope of my house

I can't cry for anyone, think about anyone or be upset about anyone.

My success will be the result of my father's struggles

Their Self respect, his pride and his faith are my inspiration

My mother who is waiting for my success

Who forgets her struggle every morning on seeing me

Who has seen every dream for me

Who has heard all the taunts of the family for me

Who stands against the whole family for me

Then I sat down and thought

Does this crying suit me

Mine ✨ 💙

© @honey