

The sound of the stadium's roar,
Resonates with every four,
Down the pitch,
Over the arm,
Cricket has its own charm,
In my stadium we ring the alarms,
We fight to bear arms,
Right now all my people are so scorn,
Over Our Love Ones especially you Mr. Floyd we all mourn,
How the law has disrespectfully torn,
A Great Legend who was a big motivation and apart of all of the Third Wards growing,
To open the eyes of all the hatred people showing.
Now what happened in Minneapolis was so cruel and God does not approve of all that hard hatred that can cause a war,
For Our Heavenly Father is for peace that doesn't come with bruises or any scar.
The roar from that stadium may sound as if it is coming from within,
Believe it or not justice will prevail and God will make sure we abundantly win