

Yo! Your friendly Pureflix jumpin, crime fighter writer superhero with a mental illness is not in right now but out-of-his-mind with EncourageTV, yet left his brain for if you read it you'll see a film. Leave a message after the Tweet [TWEET!]

Schizofilmic - a film buff who hears voices and sees people through a box, who has been certified Creatively-Insane and insanely-creative in suffering from mental disturbances that you've learned suffering can be entertaining through the art of watching movies as you create characters from out of your pinned-up emotions and personalities to help cope. You've discovered how watching a movie often is a trance experience (focused concentration), through metaphors, messages in films address the unconscious and by-pass the conscious mind; for one, calming film scene to create a safe place. As a tool of deepening focused concentration, can often be used to guide people to a safe place of their choice. Many peaceful movie scenes can serve well in this process. People “step” into their safe place by “stepping” into the movie screen, on which the calming, safe place appears. Therefore it developed into a dedication of you wanting to take away the stigma of depression and suicidal ideations through creative expression over self-destruction; to cope with your pain and change it into passion. That's Creative activism: take your broken heart, make it into art and create characters out of your what was meant to harm you as you give them a voice in stories.

Schizofilmene - a person affected by schizofilmia

Schizofilmia - a long-term movie mentality of a type involving a renewal in the relation between spirit, thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faithy perception, abnormal actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into film reentry, character visualization, fantasy and imagination, and a sense of meditation. The visual hallucinations are divine visionary gifts to set one out on a vision quest in the fulfillment of one's destiny. Whereas, the auditory hallucinations (“hearing voices”) are learning from your inner-guide to know what you should or shouldn't do.

Flicker is my film medication that keeps me sane with the Gospill, it's my brain on movies, as I thought I might share it.

I am Schizofilmic.

“Film Re-entry,” In trance, enter the story of a movie in a certain scene as a specific character, or in relation to a character that means the most to you. Watching a movie often is a trance experience (focused concentration), through metaphors, messages in films address the unconscious and by-pass the conscious mind; for one, calming film scene to create a safe place. Then you let your own story unfold with the guidance of an film/pastor/expert. Frequently, unconscious material gets revealed. Try character strength/virtue spotting for “Skill Mastery” - Attributes of film character. Here's another one in trance, you are guided to “become’” a character who modeled desired behaviors and skills. This is a way to help you acquire the film character’s attributes. Try watching a calming film scene to create a safe place. Final one as a tool of deepening trance, coaches/pastor/experts often guide you to a safe place of your choice. Many peaceful movie scenes can serve well in this process. You “step” into your safe place by “stepping” into the movie screen, on which the calming, safe place appears. Try watching the characters as inner parts, like an Inner Guide.

Here’s a compelling view that showcases the power of faith in the positive light of movies to help you understand. Teach you. Motivate and inspire you. This is your chance to see what faith is all about.

INSANE FAITH - the Schizofilmic POV (point of view)

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen ." [Hebrews 11:1]

What would the world look like to me through a unique lens of faith and schizophrenia?

I admire schizophrenics because whether they know it or not, their disease causes them to have faith as they can see something that isn't there and react towards it as though it exists yet live real in the moment with it under imaginary situations.

In contrast, "The nightmare of schizophrenia is not knowing what's real. Imagine… if you had suddenly learned that the people and the places… and the moments most valuable to you… were not gone, not dead, but worst had never been. What kind of hectic would that be." - Dr. Rosen

But on the other hand, "Then, I look at him and I force myself to see the man that I married and he becomes that man. He's transformed into someone that I love. And I'm transformed into someone who loves him." - Alicia

With that said, schizophrenics' have a beautiful mind, they can see things that don't exist and behave towards it as though its real, that's unconscious faith (whether they know it of not) that was brought out of the disease as believing makes it possible and faith makes it real. The disease schizophrenia is setting up the person to put their faith in something beyond their self that will eventually lead them to seek healing apart from meeds like it did for John Nash.

Thank you for seeing my point of view, that showcases the power of faith through this unique lens in the positive light of films!

© Joel Peter Brown