

Shape of an 'L' on my forehead.
In a world where distance tears us apart,
We dream of moments, a shared restart.
With Shrek, a promise, a distant spark,
Two souls longing, in shadows dark.

You spoke of finding a way, a light,
To bridge the miles, our hearts unite.
But Netflix failed us, devices small,
No laptops, no iPhones, to answer our call.

Yet memories linger, lines we quote,
Voices mimicked, in the dim remote.
Shrek sits waiting, on Netflix's list,
Unwatched, untouched, in moments missed.

Together we pledged, to laugh, to cry,
Yet now I sit, alone, asking why?
Did you find a way, across the vast divide?
Or has our dream, in silence, died?

I yearn to watch it, with you, my dear,
To share the laughter, to chase the fear.
But you're beyond reach, beyond my grasp,
And Shrek remains, a fading gasp.

So here I am, on my couch alone,
Wondering if our dream has flown.
For without you, it's not the same,
I fear I'll never watch Shrek again.

© keebo