

Delecate Descent

Delicate dance, a wondrous spin
A lone snowflake, born to begin
A journey brief, a life so bright
A moment's magic, in the winter's light

From cloud to sky, it gently falls
A fragile form, that beckons all
To marvel at its intricate design
A fleeting wonder, of icy shine

It twirls and swirls, in whirling air
A solo waltz, beyond compare
Its path uncertain, its fate sealed
A temporary marvel, soon revealed

It lands softly, on a mitten's slope
A brief reprieve, from its melting hope
A moment's pause, in its swift descent
A final glance, at its transient event

And then it's gone, a memory remains
A glimpse of beauty, in winter's reign
A single snowflake, lost in the haze
A fleeting wonder, in a winter's daze

© Ade F'ayo