

Swampy Related Mobster Mash - in the Lobster Patch
Must be the hits. They just don't


Mafia related gossip.

Saw something. Down there in the uh...crops.

Well back of the swamp.

You know. The lobster feeder drop.

Yup. Sure did.

Last night.

Bout uh...five six guys.

8 tops.

Diggin down.

Then the cops appeared.

I drops my...you know...right there. Snuck back, plops myself down in a clump of clampa grass. Or...stagnant swamp morass.

What happened?

Well the guys jet.

In five jet skis.

The cops? They found Jed. Later. Unrelated matter.


The Clown rapped. Some wiseguy, huh? Dumb ass clown.

The Clown rapped. Yep. Some ask "how?"

Fuckin rat.

He sounded weird. For a jokey guy. He got serious.

He's an ex-cokehead. I thought he might relapse.

And then...they might press.

The feds even. He might fess.

And he did.

He got set up. By himself. He's a fuckin let up. Let us all down.

Now who's gonna run the fun store in London and give us 15 off the top?

His wife? That bitch is the one that fed him.

Fuckin cocaine.

Just smoke some weed and settle down! Drink a Red Bull.

Hell get a pound of that internet trend chinamade rat powder.

Cocaine? You get more years than a liver eating psycho murder man now.

Furbie Dan? Ain't heard a word from him...

Why the fuck you ask?

You get em Vietnam now? And...

You get stamped. Wow. Then stuffed and scrambled. Shipped over.

Manhandled. Port authority.



Oh full of what? Witty stanzas?

I thought you meant H.

You meant pharmaceutical clorizempin doraxen phenthisal foranzen.

Okay. The pill for uh...congecular misfit dortam carsal myntoma.

And gas.

Also dance club scene. They fans now. Uh....makes you see city scapes.

Scrambles your brain.
Eggs and bacon.

But it's a brand now.

Called Uradumb

Made by Bit Ch. Pharmaceuticals stake head conglomeration. China based. Made in Mongoquick.u got a hit by a misfit on that shit.

He thought I was a disfigured Guido

He uh. Nevermind. Skits over in mind. They get dull quick. Poem is done.


I leap over in time.

It's when? Shit.

I'm a rice grower in China 544 B.C.

© JacobAlive