

chosen ones
In moments of bleak, smirk,
You wonder how it will work?
And of misery, roar,
Just like before
will you end up abused and left to deal with hurt
being left again to look like a fool
you get falling for the bullshit so it's really on you
you gotta do better to get better it's time show the world the real you
let your light shine thru
show the beauty and light you hold. within you
don't let the evil of the world change the Pyrenees in you
always just stay strong keep your faith and stay true
spread the word and show others what God showed you
do something to try to help the world because we're running our of time and
we cant loose
good always defeats evil
so don't worry we will make it few
God will other cherish his chosen few
© CiaraLeighanne💙