

New Journey
Her eyes gleamed with the light 
Of her inner strength,
She had walked miles,
Not worried about the length,
Every new step was a new beginning,
Every time she moved forward she carried less and less baggage.
Who was this quiet young lady?
She barely even knew herself.
The more she stepped into the unknown, the greater her heart felt.
Leaving the past behind and all my worries,
Closing one chapter to begin a new one,
Feeling lost and vulnerable can be one of the worst feelings.
When you are surrounded by friends and family, but feel completely alone,
makes you stop and realize something isn't right.
This is not where I need to be in life.
Sacrificing my happiness and well-being is not worth it.
Now I'm on my new journey to find my peace, find the fire to spark my soul, and find my place.
© Sunshine Always Shines