

#Chandrayaan3🇮🇳 #MoonMission

In the night's embrace, the moon takes flight,
A beacon of dreams in the velvet night.
A silver vessel of hopes that soar,
Guiding aspirations to evermore.

Casting its glow on paths unknown,
It whispers of journeys not yet shown.
With each wax and wane, it teaches us well,
That growth is a tale only time can tell.

A journey of phases, like life's winding road,
From crescent beginnings to fullness bestowed.
It teaches that progress is never too late,
As it waxes and wanes, embracing its fate.

So let your dreams dance in the moon's gentle light,
For it symbolizes the spirit that's bright.
Aspirations take flight, just like the moon's gleam,
Guiding you forward through the vast cosmic dream.
© JosephMk