

LOVE 🤣💞🫂

Love is the flame that burns bright and true,
A force that moves mountains, and makes our hearts anew.
It's the whispered promise, the tender touch,
The warm embrace that makes our souls feel so much.

Love is the reason we wake up each day,
The driving force that makes our hearts sing and sway.
It's the laughter, the tears, the joy, and the pain,
The rollercoaster ride that makes our love remain.

Love is the whispered secrets, the stolen glances,
The sweet nothings whispered in the dead of night's dances.
It's the soft caresses, the gentle kisses too,
The love letters written, the dreams we hold true.

Love is the sacrifice, the giving up of pride,
The willingness to fall, to risk it all and hide.
It's the vulnerability, the open heart and soul,
The willingness to love, to make our hearts whole.

Love is the reason we do crazy things,
Like move across the world, or sing in the rain's rings.
It's the reason we forgive, the reason we try,
The reason we believe, the reason we fly.

Love is the fire that burns, the flame that never fades,
The warm embrace that chases away our fears and shades.
It's the safe haven, the shelter from life's storm,
The place where we belong, where we are reborn.

Love is the reason we do anything,
The reason we live, the reason our hearts keep singing.
It's the reason we hope, the reason we pray,
The reason we believe, come what may.

Love is everything, the reason we are here,
The purpose of life, the reason we hold dear.
It's the reason we laugh, the reason we cry,
The reason we love, the reason we say goodbye.

Love is the greatest gift, the treasure we hold tight,
The precious jewel, the shining light in the night.
It's the reason we live, the reason we breathe,
The reason our hearts beat, the reason our souls release.

So let us cherish love, let us hold it dear,
Let us never let it go, let it always be near.
For love is the reason, the purpose of our lives,
The reason we love, the reason we thrive.