

Melancholy Of Life

The Sovereign speaks about the monkey,
How ferocious it is in the entire valley.
The Sovereign escapes while caught in a fight,
The art he creates to describe the sight.
Ancient are the mountains and streams,
A must-visit while fulfilling your dreams.

A child, innocent, grows up in the valley,
Training in profound movement art daily.
Time changes, the last moment comes to light,
Students leave to pursue futures bright.
The child holds her hands, soft as they seem,
Someone threatens, and it becomes a meme.

He feels a little betrayed, still he smiles sadly,
Tears don’t fall, his behavior seems friendly.
His only friend asks, “Hey! Are you all right?”
He replies, “The lands look great from this height.”
Great God shows the truth through a dream,
Connecting all karmic dots in the time stream.

The child returns home to celebrate Holy,
When he sees a soft sandalwood curiously.
The art of Buddha, the scripture of knights,
The sword art he creates with his insights.
In the end, the melancholy of his life doesn’t dim,
The evening without sun looks bright for him.

© Swords_Sky