

Mother: A warrior
At every new morning a voice whispers in my ear,
The same thin voice, fragile but clear,
'Be strong young one! wake up, do not fear,
Or if you want,
Since who am I to stop,
Do as you shall hear.'

But only if we were all,
as strong as she is.
And only if we could,
as much as she would.
Wouldn't we all have been a hundred times better?

For her family,
For the earth,
For you and me,
For all of us,

She's a woman,
A friend,
A partner,
A healer,
A protector,
A fighter,
She's a mother.

9 months of pain,
Every second a new struggle,
Not a second goes in vain,
Like a magician, she juggles,

Her children,
Her husband,
Her parents,
Her job,

She treats even strangers,
with so much love,
A smile so genuine,
keeping everyone above,

Her love is although her strength,
Her key to any door,
But she can handle the sword as well,
To protect herself or,

Anybody in need,
Oh! She's a warrior indeed,

The one who's seas of love,
The one who's much above,
Of any similie on earth.

She is a mother.