

A Love Which Can't Be Received

A love I can't receive,
And emotion you can't decieve.
You make it so hard to see,
But darling, I know you don't love me.

The day we met felt like fireworks and brilliant skies,
Not knowing there'll come a time to say goodbyes.
And maybe we'll be beneath the same stars
But we'll be sitting between bars.
And there woukd be no way you could see me there
But I'll marvel at you, I'll openly stare.
Because from here I could see you perfectly
I could love you selflessly.
Sitting there, I always complimented you.
And look at that, you never knew.
So I confronted you one day.
Admitted my truth and asked for you to stay.
All these years I had kept it hidden,
My heart, bitter with longing, and smitten.
Now it was time for the truth, though,
Time for you to actually know,
What you did to me and my heart
All these years you've been tearing me apart.
I held your hand and kissed your knuckles.
Before I said anything, I heard your chuckles.
Looking up with a frown,
The queen in front of me didn't wear a crown
But she looked as pretty as ever.
I had promised myself I would leave her never.
But then she laughed like something was funny
Her laugh didn't sound like wholesome, sweet honey.
Today it felt unbelievably mocking
To my ears it was a sound so shocking.
I wondered what I did wrong
Did I make a joke or sing a bad song?
What happened that you suddenly became so tense?
Was all the good act a planned pretence?
You said, 'You think I love you?
Do you think I want you too?
What makes you think that?
You're ugly, stupid and fat.
While I'm a beauty unseen
They call me their queen.
So keep your eyes away
If only you got a penny for each time you pray.
But you can dream all you want
You deserve my every single taunt.
I'm not yours to own at all
I'm like flowery spring and you're like dull fall.
So if you think we could be together
I want you to remember this forever:
Well, you couldn't be more deceived
This is a love which can never be received.'

#heartbreak #unrequitedlove #UnreqiutedLove #Unrequited #sad #rejection #narcissism #poem #ballad

© Tanushka