

What was I To Learn?
Holding my head in my hands.

Trying to make sense of it all.

I flew so high, after all that happened.

In spite of it all, then came the fall.

So low,

So broken,

So Cold,

So alone,



No matter how hard I tried I'd fail.

For so long now my life has been frail.

Past the point of no return.

The heartbreak still hurts.

I've tried to pick up the pieces.

Cutting myself on the shards of a broken heart.

I look in the mirror, At the shell of a man I've become.

How did it come to this?

Will I ever rise above?

All the things I've done.

Is it too late?

Too late to be redeemed? Or

Am I doomed to repeat?

Fair-weather friends, they've come and gone.

To where? I don't know.

All I know is,

They've never returned.

Looking to the future so dark, so uncertain.

I feel as though I'm done.

As though I've faced my final curtain.

Holding my head in my hands.

All I see is red.

I don't know if I'm still here,

Or if I'm dead.

Is it all just a dream?

Laying in bed, shaking my head.

The voices,

Louder and louder,

Bring me dread.

Trying to make sense of it all.

Waiting on the Angels to call.

To pick me up, dust me off, to call me home.

So long, after my fall.

From grace.

Will I be saved?

In my final hour.

I find that life and love now taste sour.

Hours turn to minutes, Minutes to seconds.

The seconds tick away for what seems to be,

An eternity.

They've somehow forsaken me.

They've somehow taken me.

Far away.

Unrecognizable from the person I used to be.

From the person I used to dream I'd be.

And it's funny, after all this time.

The vision has now become blurred.

The tears now smear the ink on the page.

Through it all,

What was the lesson?

What was I to learn?

© Brian C. Jobe