

Maybe Someday
Despite the irony of the statment, I’ll never grow tired of dozing off with you.
It’s a gentle rocking to sleep after concluding another long, tedious day,
though at my age the only cradle I seek is in your arms.
Take this as endearing, for I quest hither towards an eternal goal.
I long for the comforts your body and mind provides, and I’ve accepted everything that comes with it, as scary as a love this new can be.
You will find me with no qualms so long as I am promised to be in your presence.
We are a strong bond, like the Earth and its moon,
yet I know we are certainly entrapped in each others orbit.
Tested mightily already, but proven resilient and tender still, we have a growing love that hasn’t shrunk in the face of any obstacle or prospective danger.
I know, and I certainly wish for you to know, I am as confident as ever that we will remain together for as long as our souls allow.
I swear to it that I shall dedicate every last drop of blood and care in my person to it.
Not everyone will believe in us, but that’s not our concern.
There are many who do.
Our true allies will reveal themselves in time, as many already have.
But that matters not what others think, for as long as my heart remains the living structure being rebuilt alongside yours, we have nothing but beautiful architecture to admire in our future.
So I sit and hope, hope with every ounce of my love,
that maybe someday I can wake alongside you forever.