

Residential School

You sat with me under the shade of the trees,
Reading out the words that made no sense,
Not once did you lose faith,
Or let me be,
The slow and steady learner,
The butt of all the jokes,
Duffer! Failure! And more
Even said to be Crazy!
Tears in my eyes
I disquise by claiming
Springtime allergies
A pathetic attempt at a fake sneeze.
You pull out your kerchief gallantly,
playing along with me.
So this man , Jesus I said
He is God's son, my brother, God's
my father....and he loves me?
You nod and take my hand the other clutching your book
I am hungry for affection as my world
has become as shattered as the
memories of the family I lost
Taken and put here to be re educated
My own culture beat brainwashed and
raped from me
Stolen destiny of a society
that could not see our God's
are the same
Simply different by name
Forced to worship the Christianity
you claim the one and only
And I'm the savage
My child's mind confused by this all
Anger sadness greif
I am defeated
You demand I repete what you say
It's the Lord's Prayer
I repete it
And we head back to school
To do chores
I've lived through another day

© CeJVanTassell