

First, when I went there
I was totally unaware.
Not knowing about anything,
I was just wandering.
There was greenery like I saw in Ooty
And the farmers were busy,
performing their duty...
The air was fresh and the water was
In front of this,the city was borin' ..

The next morning when I woke up,
I heard the birds chirping and not
the city's traffic choke up.
They ate the food which was simple
and tasty,
Not like the city's fats food and
To quench their thirst, they need to
walk miles,
Not like the city men who get water
with files...
There, I neither saw big houses nor
the malls,
But there were huts of joy though they
were small.
People found more happiness in
lesser deeds
Not like the city men, who were
bothered just about their greeds.
From them, I've learnt a lot,
Like, be happy from what you've got.
Be satisfied, be happy and work hard,
Till your life goes on apart.....
by @JanviPanchal
© Janvi Panchal