

Tidel Waves
The amount of numbness I've experienced many times grows stronger and more painful with this I feel now. my heart so heavy, my voice so quiet, my mind so silent as well, brings that part of me out that gets scared. I cannot fight much more or if at all...

I wish these tidel Waves would come to a calming smooth flow. But that's expectations.. is what that reality is. I cannot take anymore of the crashing against the obstacles in this thing we call LIFE.

Why do the good always get the shit end? as to where bad people get shit free and easy? Why must I experience the pain that closed me off from the beautiful calm sea? Why must I feel to fight for a better day when my better day is suppose to be you?

The lighthouse shines across the beautiful star and moon pained sea making it look like the world never ends. I wish forever that sight with you and only you... But will the tidel waves ruin things once again with there obstacles
© mazie420