

Echoes of Wild: A Journey's End
In the heart of the wild, where the rivers run free,
Two souls set sail on a quest through the sea.
With stars as their compass, they braved the unknown,
Through jungles and deserts, on paths overgrown.

They climbed towering mountains, crossed valleys so deep,
Where shadows of legends in silence did sleep.
Each step brought new wonders, and tales to unfold,
Their spirits were fearless, their hearts ever bold.

In cities of gold, they danced with delight,
Under skies painted crimson, from dawn till the night.
With laughter and song, they cherished each day,
In the embrace of adventure, they found their own way.

But as the horizon began to turn gray,
The winds of misfortune blew in from the bay.
A storm of despair, with a howl and a roar,
Tore through their dreams, and dashed them ashore.

One soul lay broken, with tears in their eyes,
As the other stood helpless, beneath stormy skies.
The journey once bright, now shadowed in pain,
Their hearts weighed heavy, like cold autumn rain.

In the end, adventure's echo was bittersweet,
A tale of glory turned incomplete.
For in the dance of the wild, where joy and sorrow blend,
They learned that not all journeys have a happy end.
© faintest_pen