

Beauty and the beast
I have loved the Armor that shields your wounds
But the wound, when you dissipate
to show me your unvieled side
the insecurity that is deep within
I will love it too

I am waiting for the trust
that would reside with you
regarding me
and that my fallacies, if any
won't make it impossible
for you
to show what lies within

the trigger, the start of everything
I have loved you enough to hate you for the scars
but still your being intimidated
ashtonishes me
tho I understand
you won't lose me
but perhaps you will cry
within my embrace
when you show me
what infinitely dissolves you
to not outgrow the person
that makes you feel insecure...

To anyone feeling that the universe ain't in your favour: Do something the univers wants you to do, i.e. something you love for just 10 mins (this is a challenge)...and see for yourself ^^

have an enjoyable day (but without guilt in anything that you do further)

Thanks ^^