

A Blade To My Temple
I tuck a blade
under my pillow at night.
It pokes at my temple,
and I become enslaved
to all the wrongs
you've tried to make right.

You stir in your sleep
And my grip is tight,
I wait for one more slight..

I wonder what will finally tick this bomb off.
Could it be the drumline of your snore
or the stench of another pocket whore?
The one you supposedly left behind.

You're always at the finish line,
the hare that's become tired
It's just not how I am wired.
For I slither like a snail
and leave a trail
of flailing disappointment.

Your betrayal has locked me in jail
My cell mate is the memories of your lies,
of how you have defiled
what was.

The blade caresses my temple.
I beg God for this to go away,
but He opens the flood gates
and all I see is you smiling on your date.

One blink — blade blinds.
It's black and
I blank.

Slash and thrash
and I swallow your tongue whole
I even rip the part of your brain
that holds the soul.

And I bathe myself in its contusions
I long to shower in your power
that you've long held over me
I want to feel
and reel
In your bloodied misery.
Tonight, my love,
for you, there is no mercy.

The blade slides along my temple
It's a stroke of bloody genius
My blood streams to kiss yours
One last time

Your gurgles, they roar,
I place the blade at your temple
Tonight is the night,
I finally get to snore.
© JKeMac