

When shall we be free again?
When shall we taste the fresh air of freedom?
I have always seen hard times.
Nothing good they say comes easy.
If we need to fight to be free,
fight we shall.

Why are we here?
Why are we held captive?
We are all in chains, no one is free.
Why must we pay for freedom?
They have always said that freedom is free,
Why is our case different?

These monsters that call themselves people have slaughtered all I once loved.
My parents are gone, even my siblings too.
Last week my poor dog kicked the bucket to join them.

Am all alone now,
all alone to face the cruel and bitter world.
Why is this so,
Why is this happening?

Is this world created to be this way?
Or is it some other people's plan?
Why is man wicked to his fellow man?

Love has been crushed here,
it has been murdered in cold blood.
I see nothing good, nothing good to soothe our pain.
We get torture for breakfast,
pain for lunch and molestation for dinner.

What a painful existence.
We are like prisoners or even more.
We are slaughtered like animals everyday to satisfy their taste for human blood.
They are like vampires and wild beast. They don't see mercy, all they see is evil and pain.

Who will save us from this predicament?
Who will set us free?

We need a hero, we need a savior.
Who will save us?
Who will set us free?

Time is my enemy now.
We need to do something, or will remain here forever.
Pick up your amor,
pick up your swords.
let them know that we are ready to take back out freedom.
We are ready to die for it.

Nothing shall stop us now,
nothing shall come in our way.
The monsters will be slayed and they shall drink their own blood.
Victory is ours and we shall hold onto it forever!
© sabihenro