

This and That
Left and right and there I see
A fighting bee, what could it be?
Not a drop of tear, no sign of fear
A longing heart but this and that

A beeping sound and a beaming light
From a distance, a familiar face
Then again a soothing voice

An old friend, I'm glad to find
Hold my hand, take your stand

Free your mind, write on the sand

This here is freedom, not at all boredom
Bring on your dream, aren't we a team?

Watch your every step, don't you ever slip
Take a nap, but please do wake up
Here we need a mind so sharp, not eyes full of sleep

Go on take the journey, but please bring us some honey
Not so much money but your testimony
So please fight, free your heart
From this and that, mind not the rest for you're the best!
