

Festive Echoes He Knows
Snowflakes fall just as readily as tears
and hard faces back are as equally cold,
An icy reception meets my good cheers
as I ask for some help for I'm getting old.

I've left my sleeping bag far behind me
it was smelly and soiled from over use,
My regular spot is traded now for safety
out of the elements, a doorway I choose.

Here's my whole world, bags and a quilt
had better times, I've forgotten that life,
I once had a job and a home that I built
kids who grew up and forgot me, a wife.

The gold of our band is my only riches
memories keep me warm on cruel nights,
I'm invisible to all, so how do I pitch this
to spark a hint of humanity that ignites?

Christmas approaches, a time for giving
they buy me a coffee maybe a pastry too,
These are the moments I stay connected
perhaps of someone that I remind you?

The joy of a handshake, love in a smile
been so long since they're aimed my way,
I've felt so low, frozen inside, dead awhile
engaged in conversation, what can I say?

That I still wish she were alive and here
that my own flesh and blood cared a damn?
Exchanging coins for my blessing, it's clear
there IS a conscience still beating in Man.

I'm given a scarf, they gave me their coat
I guess the gray in my hair turned white,
given a burger- inside's a ten pound note,
I take heart, little victories help me fight.

Against emptiness like icicles, stab my skin
may be next year will herald a fresh start,
Beat off the cold in my bones, a frost within
the pangs of loneliness scraping at my heart.

In the warmth of the centre there's a tree
all pretty lights and happy shoppers galore,
And I who own nothing is filled with glee
watching their merriment, infectous I soar.

Twinkling lights like the stars I sleep under
ghosts of loved ones thinking of their others,
Excited kids, full bin lids, music thunder
loving families everywhere, how it smothers.

A sense of generosity lingers like this rain
dampness won't saturate me in quiet misery,
nor shall it quell my spirit, a New Year again
the homeless shelter will put me up for free.

Maybe I will make friends there, start over
get rid of this cough, quit the booze for heat,
grow thicker skin and not be such a rover
get lucky and have better boots on my feet.

I don't ask for much, I give you my blessing
Winter is so hard and yet so kind as well,
I'll be ready if opportunity comes a begging
I'm engulfed in a tide, under a Festive spell.

© .Garry Saunders
