


In the shadow of the land of dry bones,
Empty skulls and valleys of washed brains,
A river flows of unbaked thoughts,
Filling the cups and gourds of lots,
Quenching thirsts yet never satisfied,
Coming back for a refill that would never fill,
For unbaked dozens never form baked.

Like a potent drugs rendering impotent,
Never to be useful or free from the grip,
From this source can no content be found,
Yet seeming filled, is a valley of empty promises,
Fake lives that drains the soul and the mind,
Renders the body useless and heart unrest.

From this cluster of life draining valley,
In a world open to many impossibilities,
From the small device that opens the eyes,
Yet draining the soul and rendering useless.
Stuck to a spot but open to diverse places at once,
Gradually sucking the life out of so many.

© Susan Phiri