

Save Me
Leave me be. Stop the torture. I've had enough.

Every sleepless night, a part of me slips away. I can't think straight anymore.

I watch you move swiftly around the house.  Tense and intimidating. I wait for your acknowledgment but you never notice me.

I always run to you, arms wide open. Excited to hear about your day but you never answer me when I ask.

Don't worry though. I'll wait.

Like I always do.

I look down to the broken frames that held the marriage that wasn't even worth it. You always told me you loved me.

That I was your whole world.

You always made my days worth living. I fell for you.

Worst mistake I ever made.

The day you proposed to me. You know in my favorite restaurant. With all the lilies because you knew I wasn't a rose woman.

It was all a perfect lie but I was the naive fool who walked straight into your trap.

-by Scarlet Prescod-Johnson

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