

Ēnīìtan nī mí
I have a story to tell.
It goes beyond writing with a thousand drops of ink and dividing pages into chapters and scenes,
More than the dramas written or displayed on your screen,
And More than the emotions and expressions that poetry can conceive.

Flipping through pages of diaries and journals,
There's a lot left unwritten and untold if only you could see beyond the corners of this room called assumptions and make thorough investigations.
Look in the right places for your answers, form your theories and...

Don't forget it all starts with "Once upon a time" until suddenly we no longer had time no matter how many times we got wristwatches as gifts.
Just breathe, relax and listen.

Let's for a while stop the little game of hide and seek and face reality, is it a dream or made up lines for the media? Or is it truly something deeper?
Believe or leave.

Take a trip round the sun and the universe in search of my story, It's hidden in flesh and stuck in reality.
It truly is me.
© immaculee-marie