

money rules the world try to fix it
if you want to be sober try your best

if you can it's not your fault you're in too deep you gave it your all but your hands are bleeding

because it's World wants you to push yourself to be the best you can be or you will be forgotten just like the homeless people on the street

honestly it's all about will power at the end of the day you can work so hard that has nothing at the end of the day just like my grandma...

she's old and she's hurting I don't know what to do

when people talk about money I talk about the struggle how to get it how to keep it

and how to keep a roof over your head

and the power on and your house

I know people know about this

but you ever think about it like I do
what it does on your physical health because nobody want to be nothing

you have to think about it how long it takes to become somebody should you got to do to make it to the top. ..

now I understand why people hold onto this cash likes the answer to life

if you look at through my eyes is pretty much as the answer to life

because people are not willing to share it

they'd rather die for it before they share
their greed

to help the ones holding up the sign asking for help

they'd rather drive by like you didn't exist

I know I feel you it hurts

the freaking governments are not trying to make more shelters they rather see you struggl

you got the people who got it but they ain't trying to help you

you got your middle class who worked hard to get where they at and are fancy cars most of them help you most of them don't I respect that

the lower class will bring you in our home defeat you cuz we don't want you out there struggling well
this as Ruby you can't stay with us cuz we broke two

damn money makes the world go around don't it

the sad truth is I see you out there sometimes I can help sometimes I can't

please forgive me

whoever is reading this share the word

lord lovel....