

The Unrequited
How did the god’s bless the world with such beauty.
Surely, the world is undeserving of such a rare lotus flower
Never has a female been born that can approach such exquisiteness
Women will pale in her wake and bow to her perfection
Her grace proceeds her as she walks into my heart
Her love is felt unlike any power possessed for it cannot be
It entangles the soul and leaves its permanent impression
It is a drug for which a man’s addiction will become never ending
Mother nature her companion will guide the hordes to her feet
To shackle the unprepared and break even the most shielded of hearts
Alas, but it will never be,
no mortal man is capable of grasping such unchecked radiance
Akin to grasping a lightning bolt the thought of it is folly
She belongs to heaven and on angelic wings she will fly
Residing in the stars from whence she was created
The constellation of “Kireina”
My unrequite
© Peter Gunn