

Love & Paradise🌹
Let's run away, my love, to a destination where our souls find solace in nature's embrace.

Picture a place where tranquil islands rest on the horizon, their contours resembling slumbering giants. Here, our love can expand without interruption, unburdened by the distractions of the outside world.

In this haven for our hearts, only I can savor the fragrance of your hair, reminiscent of the olive oil Alexander the Great used to caress his own locks. We'll take long walks along the sandy shores, our legs burning as the ocean's gentle caress graces our sun-kissed skin.

Here, my love, you and I will share an intimacy that is unrivaled. I want to look into your eyes as if I'm staring at the infinite horizons of the deep ocean, where every glance reveals a new mystery.

A place where only I could stare at your perfect dentition, like the keys of a piano, beckons me to compose melodies of love in the silence of our connection.

A place where only I could stare at your lips like sweet potions, tempting me like cotton candy, an irresistible desire that I yearn to taste.

As day turns into night, we'll sit by the beach, gazing at the stars as the ocean breeze becomes our trusted companion. We'll witness the sun's descent and its glorious rise, and trace the ever-changing shapes of the moon as it dances through the night sky.

In this secluded paradise, our love remains unjudged, untouched by the prying eyes of society. I'll envelop you in my arms, like clouds enclosing the sky, and there will be no one to complain or to pass judgment.

Let's run, my love, to this place of tranquility and love, where our hearts can truly be free. A place of liberation, where only you and me remain,
Our love's eternal refuge, untouched by worldly pain.

© Sage