

Shades of Pain!
Something you can't feel,
Until you bear it.
Something you don't want to show,
But your eyes reveal it.
Something you never want,
But can never put away.
Something which teaches you something,
Whenever it comes and goes away.

Neither someone can take yours,
Nor can give theirs,
Everyone has their own problems,
Which are much worse than yours.

Your today's pain,
Can be your strength of tomorrow.
Struggle never goes into vain,
Whether it's tomorrow or overmorrow.

You can never take someone's pain,
Neither your words can heal it,
But a warm compassion, Will surely
Give them the strength, to bear it.

No matter how much you try,
It's difficult to put away the pain,
But once it goes away,
Always leaves an unerasable stain.

© Brave soul