

Our Generation
It burns
A bomb waiting to explode,
That's how it feels,
Wondering souls,
When are we reaching the end?

Are we ever going to?
Doesn't feel like it,
Hopeless souls,
Seeking peace and attention,
That's our generation.

Hiding behind fake smiles,
Alcohol consumption,
Substance abuse,
Stealing us of our youth,
Bad side of life,
That we were never told about,
Isn't it?

Taking each day as it comes,
With the past taking all that we've worked hard for,
Not easy,
How do we continue from here?
Who do we speak to?
No one,
I mean,
No one is having it easy.

Is it becoming worse with time?
Or easy and worse at the same time?
With each chapter unfolding,
Pain is introduced,
It's never gonna stop,
That's our Era,

What happened to us?
What's happening to us?
Fake smiles,
Fake life,
Fake Identities,
Everything is Fake,
Fake, Fake, fake!

Quite alot hey,
That's our generation,
No peace at all.
© Thato Mangwegape