

I hope we never meet again
Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.

Hey It's been years
Since we met
But trust me you were there
Running in my head
I don't know why I miss you
Randomly in days
I hope u are happy
And a different case
I still remember
The time we were close
How we talked laughed
As vivid as prose
Maybe you never noticed
But I always did
We were teenagers
Acting like kids
You knew my favourite food
And also its shop
You said I look better in suit
Cause you knew I hate sleeveless tops
How I was telling you about my day
Thinking maybe you care enough to listen
I knew you were the key
But I still chose to be in prison
I used to wait for your messages
Kept checking the connection
I cried realising it is politics
To disappear after election
I told you about
The shows I fancy
I included you in my future
While I was your plan C
You asked me about my feelings
But I suppressed my voice
I knew I was an option
Not your only choice
I thought it is love
When you were playing games
You were my favourite person
When I was one of those names
You made me feel special
When I felt miserable
I kept looking in your eyes
While cards were on table
It would have been fun
But what did you get
when my soul is dead
It is so smart of You
To make a fool out of me
You buried me alive
Now I can't even scream
But I picked up myself
And swallowed all the pain
I would leave it on karma
But I hope we never meet again

© breeze_of_feb

#WritcoQuote #writco #sad #Love&love #Love&love💞 #poem #poetrycommunity #Heart #english