

For real, that's how I feel:
Too abstract to explain my human feels...
In motion, expressing endless emotions.
My motto: "Ne'er reveal I'm hollow";
Cuz the haunters would surround my pillow,
And I, a victim, of sheer imagination.

Penning down these thoughts,
Fanatics label me fantastic,
Enclosing me in nature's mirage,
Of enthusiastic fight against morals.
I settle to always obey my mind,
As I brainstorm to find a mental picture.

Not too long, I realize;
I'm the author and master of my art,
Folks can't help, but admire me craft-
As they tag my methods "off-the-record"!
For the record, what we see, is only a record,
Of events in a bright chord, shone via our eyes!
© Capt_Iyke Art 2020.

@Rachael Ezell
@Jason J Henry
@Aisha Titilope