

pretend to throw it all away.
and pretend to care.
pretend to care cause even after we're threw, I'll still be loving you.
for better or worse.
a shy smile it is that lets me know your still alive.
you made a swan sleep and shed light over love that didn't eat.
this time, love...no love.
no love for you when it rains.
and no love for love if it fades.
I'm forever loving you and your smile.
your shy sly smoke.
a dancer without a net, and yet we still fade to death.
I'd die before I died trying to love you for all your first mistakes.
I'd die.
and if I lived it was because I cried dying to find love so ever than never than you.
you and yourself are tired, and I'm still dying trying to find a little space to fill.
it's not you.
it's the way you feel when time can't replace what life has done to you.
I'm dead.

and I died falling away from you.

© TheJosephAnthonyBartolottaPublishingCompany