

No Stopping

We pray daily for better days
but we're prey every new day
To poor systems; Institutions,
organizations & government
I'll stop when
I can attempt every quiz,
when the sleepless nights are proven useful
when I paraphrase a sentence & won't be judged wrong,
When I will be asked "why" not what, list, enumerated...
when my assignments are read no matter how they appear,
when I am allowed to contribute without discrimination...
I'll stop when
when we stop importing our processed raw materials,
when there's unism in the state's affairs
when justice is justice and never compromised.
when everyone is promoted accordingly,
when there's transparency in ...
But we're not victims, We
are the predators, we chose the same
old way for Ourselves
Bad is bad when it is our leaders
but good when it favors US
To be continued
© Bookish