

Girl on ice
Of all the moments
I remember
I specially recall
That 5th december

The first day with a snow
Our eyes met
And how could i know
That i'll see you again

After all this time
do you still recognize
that one girl
you've met on ice

Believe me, i still know
About your eyes that shine brighter than a snow

Even if i needed time
I guess, this is the sign
To tell you the story
that I always wanted
But i always worried
I always thought
I was afraid you might forgot

Yet now, i'll tell you clear
That day i caught your sight
My dear
I wanted to hold you tight

After all these years i got a chance
I knew it after, we had danced
once again i hope you remember
That girl you've met, on the 5th decemeber
The girl, i hope, you recognize
That one girl, you've met on ice..