

Ripples of Romance
© Kapsata

Our bond was birthed
in the belly of summer blue skies,
Like a sapling in a flower pot,
So young and tender, it thrived,
Even under the scorching Sun.

At the ranting of cruel Seasons,
Your hand never skipped bathing it with Water.
I manured and your hand took care of the branches.

Like beauty of the rising Sun,
It shined in its morning
And in its evening
Like the Auroras of Alaska.

While battling in Thirsty,
I never blinked an eye,
As you were quenching it.
On the bed of its death,
Vividly did I saw your wits,
Resuscitating it
Til its heartbeat pounced again.

Since then, it gripped us firmly,
Like a spanner on its bolt,
It then laid its bed with us.