

You just stand there with that glare in your eyes
Trying to make me feel incomplete with your lies.
Hoping that I will believe everything you say,
But I am here to tell you, it does not work that way.
I can see the flare in your nose and the twitch in your brow.
I do not care anyway, for it does not matter now.
Indulge in the luxury of thinking you won,
But you will know better when I say we are done.
You went too far this time; you crossed the line.
Your deceit has hurt me, cannot believe I was so blind.
I do not want to talk to you, do not want to hear you speak.
Our time together is looking bleak.
So, pack your bags and leave tonight.
Do not want to hear another word, it will only lead to another fight.

© Anniemiles15